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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى المعرفة البيطرية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة

يرجى التكرم بالدخول... اذا كنت عضوا معنا او التسجيل اذا كنت طبيبا بيطريا ولم تسجل سابقا كعضو بالمنتدى

لذا نرغب وبكل محبة في انضمامكم الى اسرة الاطباء البيطريين العراقيين
ونتشرف بزيارتكم للموقع وتسجيلكم معنا

تقبلوا خالص الشكر والتقدير

المدير العام للمنتدى
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Dr. Mohannad Al-Waili
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 Hygiene and cooking

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Dr. Mohannad Al-Waili
المدير العام ...Director-General of the site
المدير العام ...Director-General of the site
Dr. Mohannad Al-Waili

الحمل عدد المساهمات : 4344
نقاط : 5752
السٌّمعَة : 84
تاريخ الميلاد : 13/04/1962
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/08/2009
العمر : 62

Hygiene and cooking Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Hygiene and cooking   Hygiene and cooking Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 13, 2010 10:31 pm

Hygiene and cooking

As consumers, we claim to be able to buy healthy ingredients. Unwanted bacteria in raw materials can never completely avoid the ridge, and therefore it is important that we treat even meat, eggs, fruit, vegetables, etc. with prudence in the kitchen.

Cooking three basic hygiene rules are:
• Warm-up
• Chill out
• avoid spreading bacteria
The three basic hygiene rules works against all pathogenic bacteria, so one need not consider whether it is salmonella, campylobacter or a full third of bacteria that may be the problem.

Warm up
Bacteria in food are dying by frying and boiling. The general rule is to cook with meat, poultry, fish and eggs should be warmed through, so the temperature reaches at least 75 ° C.

This also applies to food, to be saved for later use, and if reheating of food residues. It is not enough to warm the food.

Fish is undercooked when the fish flesh is firm and no longer has a transparent gloss. Eggs are undercooked when it is completely solidified.

Poultry is undercooked when meat juices are clear, and when the meat is no longer pink inside. Poultry, minced meat and mechanically rotten meat must be cooked thoroughly.

Dishes with minced meat of pigs and cattle can see quite well done out, even if the temperature of the meat was not high enough to allow any pathogenic bacteria are found ihøjel. To ensure that the oven baked dishes such as meatloaf is done, you should use the thermometer rose. Hamburgers, which rose on the forehead, should generally cook for 13-15 minutes so that all bacteria in meat are turned ihøjel (steaks of meat and 125 grams approx. 2 cm thick).

Whole pieces of meat as roast beef or pork roasts usually contains only bacteria on the surface. Why does the whole roast to be done.

If you want to keep food warm for a while, it must constantly be kept steaming hot. If the temperature falls below 65 ° C to bacteria and bacterial spores begin to grow.

In a mikrobølægeovn distribute heat differently in court. Therefore, the food stand and rest a few minutes after it is taken out of mikrobølægeovnen, so the heat distributed throughout the portion. Larger pieces of meat and roasts should rest for 15 minutes.

Chill out
When food kept cold and chilled rapidly stops growth of most bacteria. Bacteria multiply slowly at 50C or less. Therefore there must be no more than 5 ° C points in the refrigerator, which kept perishable foods like meat, delicatessen, dinner and remaining milk.

Perishable foods should be refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase.

Check the temperature in the refrigerator
There should be no more than +5 ° C in the refrigerator. Use a thermometer so you can periodically check the temperature. It varies in different parts of the refrigerator, and perishable foods should be stored where there is more than +5 ° C.

Remnants of hot food to be stored must be cooled immediately and put in the refrigerator as soon as it is steamed by. Large portions should be divided into smaller to ensure a faster cooling.

Meals, which stands on the table for some time, you eventually a temperature of 20-40 ° C, and this is where bacteria thrive. You may risk that the food contains many bacteria within a short time. At 37 ° C may be a bacterium to 1,000 over three hours, and 1,000,000 for six hours.

Remains from breakfast and lunch table should also be put in the refrigerator as soon as the meal is over.

Restaurants, sandwich shops and the like must have hot and cold food on display at a tagselvbord or on disk without keel in more than three hours. Then, the food generally discarded.

If you must thaw frozen food, put it in the fridge. Put the frozen food in a bowl, so there will not drip on other foods.

Avoid spreading germs

Bacteria can be spread among the different foods on the kitchen table and the refrigerator. Therefore it is important to keep foods separated, both during storage and cooking.

It is important to use different cutting boards and knives for different commodities and to wash their hands when they have touched a raw material and must be started with the next.

It is particularly important to avoid the stream to spread bacteria from raw food to food that is ready to be eaten. If you are not careful to change the cutting board and wash their hands, for example, transfer bacteria from a raw chicken with a green salad, which should not be heated through before eating. You can then run the risk of getting sick of salad.

Translated by Dr. Muhannad Waeli of the page of the Danish Ministry of Agriculture
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General Manager
General Manager

عدد المساهمات : 313
نقاط : 455
السٌّمعَة : 7
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Hygiene and cooking   Hygiene and cooking Icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 15, 2010 9:15 pm

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